Dear Suicidal
Dear Suicidal,
I suppose the first thing you expect me to say is that you should consider what effect your death may have on the people in your life. I suppose you want me to tell you the story about what would happen if your little brother found your body or how your best friend might wither away as the days passed by since your death. I suppose you expect me to tell you how everyone in your life would ache and break knowing that you are no longer living. I suppose you want me to convince you to live, to change your mind and decide to live another day for the sake of the people in your life. I suppose you want me to focus on what your death will cause just like you've read in countless other articles and just like other people may or might say to you. Yeah. I suppose you do expect that but I will not go down that road because when you have faced this demon yourself, you know what not to tell other people and you know what words will set you free.
Suicide does not eliminate the chances of life getting worse, it destroys the possibility of life getting better.
I will not write some long, essay where I tell you that you need to find the will to live for the sake of the people in your life. How can you be expected to live your life for others? As selfish as it may seem, you need to be able to live for yourself and you can not live with yourself if you do not love yourself. I tell people on a regular basis that half their problem would be solved if they just found the strength to love themselves and as crazy as I come off when I say that, the bitter truth is that so many of us do not love ourselves but rather find solace in loving other people. When you focus on loving someone perhaps more than yourself then you loose the ability to love yourself. How can you expect someone to love you, if you do not love yourself?
Forget The other people for a moment and now listen to me.
In life, you can not get something without giving something else away.
You can not go down to the store and purchase a can of coco-cola unless you hand over some money.
There would be no rainbow, had there not been rain.
You would not know the value of happiness if you had not experienced pain.
For every new story, there is always going to be an end.
You will not able to commit an act without giving away time.
There would be no results without a test.
I could keep going on and on but the truth of the matter is, my dear that to receive something, you must give another thing away. In life, it is all give and take whether you or I like it or not.
By now you're probably begging for me to get down to the point because lets face it, who wants to read such long paragraphs that seem to have no head or tail?
Let me ask you something and before you read on, I want you to think about the answer and then continue to read; What is causing you to want to end your life?
Pain. That is possibly the main reason I can think of. Sometimes, the pain gets too much and sometimes, we loose the strength to keep fighting because the pain feels so much stronger than we are.
You know how I said life is all about give and take? Well, when you get so much pain, you give a lot of yourself away. Pain is an annoyingly powerful thing and it is not possible for it not to take things away from us. When you receive pain, you have to give happiness, strength or your beautiful smile away.
When you purchase the can of coke, you will not continue to keep consuming more and more and more at that certain point of time. You may leave and come back to buy coke another day.
When the rain ends and the rainbow forms, the rainbow will not last forever; It will fade away.
Life is not a series of consecutive happy or sad moments, there are always variations and sooner or later you will go through other phases but that does not mean that one will last a life time.
If you play basketball and you give your time to the game, will you continue to give all your time of every day, of every week or will you take breaks in between?
If at school it was just a constant series of tests, day in and day out would you not have burned your school down by now? [Burning schools down is a bad thing, Kids]
Do you get my point?
When you give something away, there is a limit on how much you can give or take and eventually the balance will shift and instead of constantly giving, it will come time for you to receive.
If you have to give away so much to the pain, it will not last forever. There is a limit on how much pain you will receive and eventually when its time is up, things will shift and you will see better days.
It is all about give and take.
If you want life to give you happiness, let it take your time.
If you end your life, you will have no time.
Better days are yet to come.
The Girl With Issues
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