How To: Be Confident.

How To: Be Confident.

1. In order to be confident, you have to appear confident and here is how:
a] Fix your posture. Do not slouch. Stand up tall and keep your shoulders straight.
b] Keep your head high. Even if you feel like you're so nervous you just might melt, do not let it show.
c] Win the staring contest. Do not be afraid to maintain eye contact.
d] Dress to impress. If you dress like you are confident, not only will you give off a confident glow but you will feel confident yourself.
e] Refrain from using words like "Uhm" or "Uh"

2. Expect success. In what ever you set your goal to, make a mental note to feel like you will succeed. Confidence comes from success.

3. Have faith in yourself. When you venture out to do something, the best way to maintain confidence is to keep telling yourself that you know what you are doing. No matter how clouded your judgement may feel or how messy your thoughts are, keep faith in yourself that you can come out of this a victor.

4. Take risks. Do things you would never dare to normally do. If you manage to succeed, youll believe that you do have what it takes to take on any task. If you do not succeed, you will know that you are capable of trying to venture out into unknown waters.

5. Learn to take compliments.

6. Be daring enough to introduce yourself to new people. If you are at a party, stretch out your arm and introduce yourself.

7. Speak up. Make sure you are heard.

8. Enunciate. Pronounce your words to the best of your capability so when you do grab someones attention, they understand what you are saying.

9. Smile. Your smile should be somewhere between a kindergarten teachers smile on the first day and an escaped convicts smile. Let your smile be comfortable, warm and inviting.

10. Push away the negativity. As hard as it may be, keep the negative thoughts out of your head.

11. Set a goal and keep telling yourself that you will achieve it.


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