How To: Divert your attention from self harming.

How To: Divert your attention from self harming.

1. Scribble on photos of people in magazines.

2. Tear apart newspapers, photos or magazines.

3. Go to the gym, dance or exercise.

4. Splatter paint.

5. Write your feelings in paper and rip and/or burn the paper.

6. Break sticks.

7. Run your hands under freezing, cold water.

8. Snap a rubber band against your wrist.

9. Splash cold water on your face.

10. Take a hot shower/bath.

11. Write or paint on yourself.

12. Play an instrument.

13. Count the tiles on the ceiling or floor.

14. Doodle on sheets of paper.

15. Write out lyrics to your favorite song.

16. Draw or paint.

17. Watch your favorite movie or TV show.

18. Remember a happy point and take yourself back to that place.

19. Its okay to cry, let it out.

20.Repeat to yourself: "I do NOT deserve to be hurt." Until you believe it.


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