How To: Get over a bad break up.

How To: Get over a bad break up.

When we go through bad break ups, it can in a way destroy us and leave us feeling lost. Here are some tips to get over your bad break up.

1. Acceptance. You have to accept that its over. If the break up was your decision, stand by it. Decide that you will not go back to that person no matter what lies they fed you or what excuses they came up.

2. Grieve. Its okay to be sad. Its okay to feel upset. Take some time out and let yourself grieve over it. Just dont spend too much time in grief.

3. Stop fantasizing about him.Write down all his undesirable qualities and reasons for the break up and everytime you find yourself lost in his thoughts, remind yourself of these qualities.

4. He did not define you. No one can define you but yourself.

5. Keep your friends close.

6. Let it out. Do not keep your feelings bottled in or they will end up coming out sooner or later. Sit down and write a letter or make a list of things you want to say to that person. Make sure you have listed all your feelings and have vented them all out. Its really important to let it out but do it only once or in extreme cases, twice. Do not keep talking to that person with the excuse that you are letting out your feelings. Theres a time to let them out without seeming desperate.

7. Cut off all communication. Block them on Facebook. Do not stalk them from a friends account. Block their number. Block them on Whatsapp. Every single place, block them. You do not need to be contacting them until you are completely over them. No communication.

8.Get rid of all the memories. Dont reread your old diary entries. Do not sleep in his old sweatshirt. Do not look at the gifts he gave you. Put them away. Out of sight, out of mind.

9. Dont fall asleep in silence. Put on music before going to sleep. Do not let your thoughts wander at night.

10. Dont jump into a new relationship to forget your ex.

11. Dont think you'll never be loved again.

12. Keep away from love songs and movies. Remove all the love songs or songs that remind you of your ex from your playlist.

13. Dont let yourself go. Maintain your appearance. If you look like a mess, you will feel like one too.

14. Distract yourself. Get a job, a new hobby or follow your dream.Do anything to keep yourself busy.

15. Learn to love yourself.

16. Smile. No matter how broken you feel, just smile. Even faking a smile can make you feel better.

17. Remember that this will pass and you will be happy again.


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