How To: Know when its time to end the relationship.
How To: Know when its time to end the relationship.
Sometimes, we hold on to all the wrong people for all the wrong reasons. Here are some ways to know when its time to end the relationship.
I'd like to point out that when you read these points, first you should try to work it out. If you see a sign of a dying relationship, try to fix it before you end it.
1. No trust, no point. If despite your best efforts you cant build trust between each other then its time to let go.
2. The relationship brings you more misery than happiness.
3. Lack of communication. You find that you do not feel like talking to each other anymore. You find yourself feeling relieved if they don't try to contact you and if they do try, you find yourself ignoring their attempts.
4. You see no future for the relationship.
5. You can't be bothered to do anything special for each other anymore.
6. You use each others weaknesses against the other in arguments and cross all boundaries.
7. Tiny things set off fights.
8. You find yourself in gruesome fights in front of other people.
9. You vie for space. You'd rather be alone than spend time with each other.
10. The secrets increase. You cant tell each other anything anymore.
11. You don't agree on the same things anymore like you used to.
12. You've developed different views.
13. Verbal or Physical abuse is present. It doesn't matter how much you love them. You can NOT subject yourself to abuse
14. Your tears don't bother them.
15. You have to make far too many compromises and sacrifices.
16. You can't talk about things anymore.
17. You can't bring up conversations in fear of their anger.
18. You feel like a possession.
19. Instead of making you feel better, they make you feel worse.
20. Lack of respect for each other
21. You find the other boring
22. The magic is gone
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