Weight Loss

**This is intended for those women who go to gym and need to maintain a healthy diet along with it. I spent a lot of time on this  doing research and well, I hope it is helpful.**

Diet Plan

When it comes to losing weight exercise and a healthy diet come hand in hand. If you want to lose weight effectively, you have to work out regularly and at the same time, watch what you eat.

Diet Plans are temporary. Weight loss requires a permanent change.

Dieting and exercising can help you lose weight but if you do not keep the changes in your life style constant then you will regain the weight.

The best method is to devise a plan that you can implement on your daily life.

In the beginning, that is before you lose the desired amount of weight, you need to make sure you follow your diet plan but after you have achieved your goal, you can practice some leniency as long as the limits are maintained.

What should you AVOID when attempting to lose weight?

1.      Do not skip meals. Do not stop eating altogether. This will only make your body go into a fat storing starvation mode which makes it harder to burn calories.

2.      Do not skip breakfast.
3.      Do not eat late at night and then immediately go to sleep. Rather try to eat dinner two or three hours before you go to sleep.
4.      Do not confuse thirst with hunger. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water and see if you still feel hungry.
5.      Do not eat too fast. Try to chew slowly and take intervals between each bite.
6.      Do not watch TV, text or talk on the phone while eating, this will only make you eat more than you actually need to.
7.      When cutting down on certain foods and snacks, do not stop all at once. Begin by consuming less and less every day until one day you can stop altogether. It has to be gradual.
8.      Avoid eating Corn. It is a grain found in most processed foods that converts to sugar in the body.
9.      Avoid gluten which is found in grains, especially wheat. It interferes with digestion.
10.  Avoid Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners. It is difficult for our bodies to process them.

What should you DO when attempting to lose weight?                       

1.      Set a goal. Decide how much weight you want to lose and be determined to do it.
2.      Get a diary and keep track of everything you eat. This will help you cut down on eating too much.
3.      Plan what you are going to eat. Before you start the day, decide what you are going to eat and at what time. This will help you from overeating and will help keep you on track.
4.      Drink eight glasses of water per day. It is essential for you to stay hydrated.
5.      Eat Almonds. Snacks are important between meals but instead of grabbing a packet of chips, grab a handful of almonds. They help in controlling hunger and provide a high amount of Vitamin E and protein.
6.      Eat beans. They are a great source for protein and they help in controlling hunger as they are hard to digest and keep you feeling full for a long time.
7.      Drink soup before a meal. It will help you eat less.
8.      It is important to have a filling breakfast. Eat eggs in the morning and they will keep you full during the day.
9.      Eat Apples. They contain fiber and chewing sends signals to the brain that we have eaten something substantial.
10.  Drink at least five cups of green tea per day. This helps in flushing out excessive fluids from the body, helps calm bloating, speeds up metabolism which helps in burning calories.
11.  Eat Broccoli. It has cancer preventing properties and helps with weight problems.
12.  Eat Bananas. They boost the metabolism and help burn calories.
13.  Eat carrots. Not only do they help with eye sight but also help control blood pressure.
14.  Eat oranges. They help you feel full so you are not tempted to eat more and more during the day.
15.  Eat tomatoes. They help reduce inflammation and water retention in the body.
16.  Do you want a flatter stomach? Consume lemons. They fight against water retention and are great for helping you get a flatter stomach.
17.  Garlic. It has a naturally occurring chemical called allicin which when digested, reacts with the blood to create a product capable of killing off many harmful bacteria and viruses in your body. A healthy digestive tract is essential for achieving a flatter stomach. The best way to use garlic is slice raw, cloves and add them to your meal.
18.  Eat melons. They help in the removal of excess fluids around the body.
19.  Eat cucumbers. It helps in easing water retention and bloating in the body.

20.  Consume ginger. It is a useful digestive aid, helps digest protein and possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea properties.


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