You can get addicted to drugs, games, drinks, adrenaline rush causing activities and you can get addicted to people. You can constantly ache for their attention or yearn for a mere moment with them even if you know that you do not mean nearly as much to them as they do to you. You could still seek their validation regardless of whether they give a second thought to you or not.
You can get addicted to a person and you can suffer in ways you thought unrealistic. You could try to quit the drug that is them but the more you try to break free from the shackles that bind you, the more you ache. You could see your heart burn for them and theirs dare not ignite a single spark for your presence. You could feel half dead endlessly needing them while they are as lively as ever and the more that you crave their presence, the more your addiction grows.
So how do you kick the addiction?
How do you save yourself from the ever demanding, impending thoughts of someone that was never yours to begin with?
How do you walk away from someone who wouldn't miss your presence?
How do you leave someone who's smile is imprinted on your shut eyelids, someone there is no escaping from?
How do you stop being addicted to a person?
It doesn't come from slowly walking away, that much is understood. You can not slowly, inch by inch remove yourself from someone when all you desire is their attention during every waking hour of your life because there is the chance of you dying more and more for them while they seem least bothered by your absence. You can not survive knowing, watching yourself ache for someone and them forgetting you as the days drag on.
It isn't going to be easy to walk away from them entirely, to decide to no longer be around them, to completely shut them out.
You will suffer.
It will feel like quiting a drug.
You will constantly crave a glimpse, a chance of hope for them.
It will torture you and twist your heart in unbearable ways.
It will feel like every miniscule part of your soul is being destroyed.
You will find yourself in unnerving pain but in that pain, you will find yourself. You will realize that your need for love will grow as you sit in the solitary abyss of this pain. You will crave a love that you may find from within yourself. You will eventually find that while you were stuck in the pit of despair, you had no one but yourself.
You will find yourself and soon that will be all you need.
Soon, you will allow yourself to dance in your room, laughing and being wild to the beat of your favorite song without needing someone else to dance alongside you. You will one day stand in front of the mirror, smiling at how good you look and you will not need the validation of another.
Addiction is when you allow something or someone to be greater than your own well being and once you kick the addiction, you will find a new love for yourself.
Getting rid of addiction with the help of another addiction will do you no good. Trying to forget one thing with the help of another will only be like moving from one prison cell to another, you will still be trapped.
You need to learn to be your own friend before you allow anyone else the privilege.
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