
The thing about bad haircuts is that sometimes, all we are left with is a patch of hair with which, there is hardly anything we can do. Our first reactions may be to freak out, get upset and then ultimately try to do damage control. So we drown our hair in layers and layers of hairspray and we go out and try to find headbands that might do some magic.

Then one day comes when we just do not have the energy nor the time to spend in front of the mirror, putting in all this effort to hide it all away. So we finally decide to rid our hair of all the chemicals and hair pins, to allow it to finally let loose and be free. It is then that we might realize, in the haze of the event, we neglected to understand that although the haircut was unwelcome and completely against what we wanted, it wasn't necessarily a "Bad" haircut. We may realize that seeing our hair, open and untamed, we were just afraid of change rather than the cut itself and standing in front of the mirror again, we may soon realize that this new look made us feel happier and much more confident than a thousand previous ones.

Likewise, when we go through a life altering even, our first reaction may be to ignore it, avoid it or just simply run away. Sometimes, we are so afraid of having things change that we forget that it may not be a bad thing. In the attempt to run away and hide, we restrict ourselves from something that may possibly be so much better for us.


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