Someone else.
"And shes got everything that I have to live without."
Sometimes we lose ourselves in our insecurities and despite what the better part of us tells us, we create prisons for ourselves within the confines of our own minds. We make ourselves believe that what we are is not nearly as good enough as what someone else is. We look to other people and we crave, we ache for what they have. We make ourselves believe that they are better than us and that we should be the reflections of those people if we want the same love and attention that they receive. Amid our own inner battles, we neglect to understand that we perceive someones ordinary actions as brilliant because we are so bent on believing that every inch of them is better than us. We forgo our own achievements and waver our own talents as ordinary because we have convinced ourselves that we are no where near as talented as someone else. Sometimes, we make someone else appear like the epitome of what we want to be just because we crave the same love they receive while not realizing that they are not superior than us.Have you ever wondered what someone else has that you do not or why you do not receive the same love and attention as them?
Have you ever tried to figure out why someone so original would want to be another face in an endless crowd?
Have you ever seen someone constantly comparing their attributes with that of someone else?
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players" - Shakespeare.
The world is a stage. We go around acting out our different parts and when we don't know how to follow through with the next act or if we manage to forget our lines, we look to others for inspiration but somewhere along the lines, we end up thinking that their performances are better than ours even if they may just be background actors and we may be the leads. Its easy to become captivated by another person when we are not sure about where we stand. We become engrossed in the achievements of others and forget to follow our own path because we want to gain the same love of the same people that they receive. Though, the tricky thing about love is even if two things were identical, one would always be preferred over the other.
So what do you do?
How do you kick away those thoughts of wanting to be someone else of constantly comparing yourself with another?
How do you finally stop looking at the photograph of another girl and wondering why she is more beautiful than you?
How do you stop looking at the achievements of another boy and aching to be smart or talented enough as him?
How do you stop comparing yourself to someone else?
You let yourself be free.
You're probably now thinking; "How can I possibly free myself?"
You're a great writer.