I used to wonder how someone could love you unconditionally, irrevocably one day and then the next day that same person could just leave you as if they were never loved you at all. Does it not seem like the most daunting experience to figure out what went wrong or blame yourself? Is it not just easier to believe that person never loved us at all rather than expect they just stopped loving us?
Look out the window on a rainy day. Look at those gorgeous drops of rain crashing on to the pavement. Notice how they go from a single droplet to a mixed puddle of water on the ground, becoming one with the others.
That is what I believe love is. One day you are going to love someone so much that your heart aches to be with them but on another day you would feel suffocated in their presence. We may try to be creatures of continuity but we can not hold on to the same emotions every single day. There are days we will transform like water does. One day we will be solid and then another we will be liquid but that does not mean it is our final state.
Love is ever changing, love is like water. Solid. Liquid. Gas. It changes. It molds in to different forms but who is to say one form is final?
It is not that people can stop loving us one day without notice and just leave because that would mean lack of love is cause for abandonment. No. Everyone has bad days but we fight for the good ones. I believe love meets its end when we give up, we stop trying and we think there's no point in that love anymore.
You will love and hate the same person a thousand times over. You will. The day your love meets its demise will not be when the love ends, it will be when one of you decides the love is not worth the fight anymore and then the days pass and before you know it, your love will have faded.
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