The Real You
Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder who you really are?
An answer you can't seem to find in the alignment of your birth star.
Do you ever gaze at your reflection,
And subject your features to an inspection?
You might have probably noticed a new pimple or two,
Or maybe eyebrow maintenance that is long over due.
But on the tip of your nose you don't see who you were yesterday,
Or two years ago on the third Friday of May.
You only see an image of the present.
You only gaze at physical features you either hate or resent.
You don't remember who you once were,
All your past likes and dislikes feel like a blur.
There might have been a time when seeing an empty milk container,
Instead of your morning tea and reacting calmly would have been a no brainer.
But now you find yourself growing bitter and bitter,
Treating people like garbage, no better than litter.
"What's the matter with me?" You ask,
"Why do I go into a frenzy at the slightest undesirable task?"
"What is wrong with me?"
"Is this who I always was and who I will always will be?"
The mere thought of such a realization,
Might probably bring you to tears and knock you down without hesitation.
And for that you must try to accept and know,
Our personalities are not like our heights, they will never cease to grow.
One day we may be a colossal mess of a child,
With our feelings raging and going wild.
But that is not who we will always be,
So next time you look in the mirror and wonder "Who is the real me?"
Remind yourself you can be anything you have ever dreamed,
Even if at times like a nightmare they seemed.
You can be the good and the bad,
But there are plenty of experiences to be had.
You are not a singular trait,
You can possess everything you love or hate,
What you do with that is who you choose to be,
Even on days when the real you is hard to see.
The real you can be the monster or the hero,
The winner or the zero.
In life we learn, we rise and we fall,
Only because we really can have it all.
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