
Somewhere in my mind I know I am more than the spots and blemishes I see in my reflection,
And maybe I also know to talents mercy I am no exception.
But when morning dawns, I can not help but feel alone and sad,
As if all that I used to know was a lie and the best of my times have already been had.

Somewhere in my mind I know all the thoughts I've had lately are not true,
But have you ever felt this way too?

Have you ever felt on top of the world one day, as if that was where you belong,
Where there were others who understood your song
But now you have stumbled some place new,
Where those who understand you are less than few.

Like I, do you miss the days of school,
When it did not matter if in front of strangers you acted like a fool?

Do you miss the time when your clothes hardly seemed to matter,
And you could eat all you wanted without the worry of getting fatter?

Is University life not a far jump away from the idle days we used to love,
And is it not like the battle has just gotten more tough?

Ive gone from jumping in puddles to spending hours in the library sitting alone,
Do you too sit in class, unable to speak, resorting to playing games on your phone?

I know I am more than this but I do not even know who I am now,
I used to be a butterfly but I do not even remember how.

Maybe you, dear stranger and I both know this is just another rough patch,
But I cant help feel like this is the first egg to hatch.
I know first hand how all the troubles eventually fade,
But this time when I need Hearts the most, I keep drawing a spade.

Or maybe these are the ramblings of a child,
Whose emotions have gone wild,
And maybe you're thinking I have lost my mind,
Because University is where their destinations people find.
I do not know what is true in this moment in time,
But it sure feels good to have it written down in rhyme. 


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