Lions and Sheep

At University, my friends and I have this habit of embarrassing each other then running away. Apparently, in our adult minds, it seems like a hysterical thing to push a friends in a boys washroom and then run away laughing.

Anyway, a few days ago I was walking to class with my friends and I was pretty damn exhausted. Suddenly, out of no where I found myself being hurled towards the wall in a busy hallway. I somehow ended up crashing into a random guy and I erupted in profuse apologies after which I duly ran away.

I was later told by the same friend that the guy - upon having me crash into him turned to his friend and said "Is say acha tou mein marjata"
Translation: "I'd rather have died than have her crash into me."

My initial instinct was to laugh because this wasnt my first rodeo. My first semester has comprised of random people passing random comments for whoever they see. You can either tell them off and be caught up in the drama which everyone so badly craves or you can brush it off.

See, if I've learned anything then it is that in school no one has the guts to go up to a random person, call them ugly, laugh and just walkaway. In school, you're part of a small pond but in University, its an ocean. There are probable chances that if you see someone one day at university, you might not even see them again until the end of the semester. There are even more probable chances that if the two of you were face to face again, then you might not even recognize each other.

Since day one, I've had seniors stare down at me and loudly ask their group "Ye kis ki bachi agaie hai" and watched them all laugh at my expense. I've had random guys bump into me, look me up and down, call me ugly and walkaway.

The point is, there are people who are in constant search of validity from their circles. There are those who believe insulting people who look harmless is their ticket to being considered funny. Those are the people you should feel sorry for.

The truth is, "The lion doesn't lose sleep over the opinions of the sheep."


  1. You're pretty! don't let anyone ever make you believe otherwise.


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