How To: Help someone love themselves

How to help someone love themselves 

What do you say to someone who does not know how to love themselves? What do you do when you see someone who has so much to offer to the world but stays on the sideline because they can’t understand they are valuable? How do you help someone love themselves?

There is not much you can say to someone who does not love themselves because they find it difficult to believe that someone else loves them. In these cases, it is your actions that speak louder than your words. When it comes to helping someone love themselves, the most important thing you could do is to show them that they deserve love and they are important. It doesn’t mean your words aren’t important, it just means that words have less of an impact.

Here are some things you can act upon to help someone begin to love themselves.

1. Tell them you love them. Every day, every chance you get, whether they believe you or not; tell them you love them. Let them know that they are loved.

2. Tell them why you love them.

3. Listen to them. Even if they don’t open up to you or don’t have much to say, stimulate conversations and make sure they know that no matter what they have to say, you are listening. Make them feel that their words are important.

4. Express your love for them in as many ways as possible. Speak, smile or hug. Find new ways to communicate your love.
5. Help them explore new bounds by standing by their side and influencing them to take new risks or find new things that they can build a passion for.

6. Help them recognize that they are miracle. It’s the oldest trick in the book but you have to remind them that their mere existence is a beautiful miracle.

7. Be their superhero. Make sure they know that no matter what, you will be there for them.

8. Make them laugh.

9. Show compassion.

10. Be innovative. Find new things for you guys to do together.

11. Share your dreams.

12. Be inclusive. Get other people involved and make them show
that they love that person as well.

13. Forgiveness. Help that person learn to accept their mistakes and learn to forgive themselves.

14. Respect. Treat them with the utmost respect.

15. Appreciate them.

16. Don’t give up.

The most important thing for helping someone love themselves is show them that they are loved. Let your words reflect on your actions. If you want someone to let go of their self-loathing or low self-esteem then you need to show them that they are loved. If you want someone to love themselves then you must first, love them despite all the flaws.


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