"I didnt know"

There are battles raging around in the world, battles between countries, religions, groups and the battles within ourselves. There are people dying, homes being destroyed and anguish spreading all around. While others enjoy lawns covered in grasses of green, there are others who look out to see nothing but the burning embers of what used to be. We were never promised a world where we would not see the dark side of the moon, we were not promised a world of safety and happiness but promises mean little when we can choose to live in a world that honors brotherhood and humanity.

As the battles rage on, there are people who witness the pain and the horror of their fellow man and those people are enraged, hurt and more than anything, they want to do whatever they can. The worst feeling after all is to watch an injustice occur knowing there is nothing you can do. We can fight battles with words and create awareness but all that means nothing if we do not know what we are fighting for. We have every right to be angry, we have every right to want to fight back but we also have a responsibility to know what we are fighting for.

What are YOU fighting for?

I am not a person who likes to indulge in political debates because I have my own strong opinions which are fueled by my passion for history and so I know which event sparked what and I know the deep rooted issues of the past but today, looking through recent news articles I found myself thinking out loud "I did not know this" That is what happens, you believe you know what you are fighting for, you believe you know what the truth is but knowledge is power and once you seek out to gain that power, you realize there is a whole world out there filled with things you did not know. There are reasons we did not explore earlier because we were so bent on staying loyal to our beliefs. The truth is, you can fight all the battles you want but are you certain you know what you are fighting for? Are you certain if you set out to find out the reasons, you would not think "I did not know this?"

Fight. By all means, fight the oppressors but do not fight your fellow man because of the things you or he did not know. The pen is mightier than the sword, before you set out to fight battles, why not try to find the reasons why things are the way they are?

Are you sure you know what you are fighting for?


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